safeVisionary2 allows the protection of the robot work area to be extended to human head height. This makes it necessary to stop the robot when it comes in the immediate vicinity of personnel.

The camera has a further decisive advantage in the collaboration between humans and robots: The force and power limitation mode of robots is generally designed on the basis of the permissible force values for arms and hands while contact with sensitive body regions such as the face, skull and forehead is to be avoided. This enables the safety distances to be reduced in many cases. Vectro automates the advanced non-contact feature measurement capabilities of the GapGun Pro2, Third Dimension’s bestselling handheld laser measurement system. Voltron: The Third Dimension was a computer-generated series aired in 1998 and set five years after the end of the original Lion Voltron series. Thanks to the safe 3D environment perception using safeVisionary2, it is also possible to safety detect the upper body and upper limbs of persons, and therefore risks such as reaching or bending over, within the hazardous area. In the environment of collaborative robots, the range of possible human movements presents a particular challenge for protection. Tim Monks has decided to step down as CEO of Third Dimension and will continue part-time as the Non-Executive Director. As the Christmas period approaches, we have had a big change within the company and wanted to share this news with you.
Improved human-robot collaboration through increased safety Company Update () We hope this update finds you well.